Usually I love a fresh start: whether it is Monday morning, the start of a school term, Spring, New Year’s Day or just the start of a meeting. So much potential. I vividly remember my high school soccer coach’s response after I made some excuse for my poor performance that day about having a bad week. He reasoned: “You can’t have a bad week or a bad day. You’re always starting again, every hour. Practice has only just started, so it’s up to you to make it a good one.” Perhaps my memory is slightly hazy after 30+ years and there’s a chance that’s not an exact quote, but that is the perspective I walked away with and it’s stuck with me.

Despite that, on New Year’s Eve I found myself lethargic and uninterested at the thought of a fresh start. Even resentful, I was filled with thoughts like: “I have to start over AGAIN. Ugh. I’ve been here before. I keep having to pick myself back up over and over”.

I tend to keep myself looking ahead, building on strengths, focusing on what I want to create and give energy to. But this time, when my thoughts turned in that direction, I wanted to curl up and go to sleep.

Then I had a conversation with my own coach.

My coach challenged me to take 5 minutes to consider: “What were you dissatisfied with last year? Write down 3 Values that need more attention this year.” I had to come up with something. I couldn’t just sit there. Five minutes is a long time if you have nothing to do. And my coach will totally see through it and call me on it if I give a B******t answer.

An hour later, I walked away with three values-based themes to guide my quarter, clear next steps and a follow-up in a month to keep me accountable. My biggest take-away is the burst of energy and the feeling of accomplishment I’ve had since last week. I look forward to celebrating some already tangible results of many actions.