birth. motherhood. career. relationships.

It’s a time of overwhelming excitement and fear, love and confusion, inspiration and worry. It can also be a time of intense re-evaluation and really discovering who we are.

Most of all, it’s a time of incredible opportunity to re-write the rules of your life in a way that supports who you want to be.


801, 2025

A Re-Think on the New Year Re-Start

January 8th, 2025|Goals|0 Comments

Usually I love a fresh start: whether it is Monday morning, the start of a school term, Spring, New Year’s Day or just the start of a meeting. So much potential. I vividly remember my high school soccer coach’s response after I made some excuse for my poor performance that day about having a bad week. He reasoned: “You can’t […]

2503, 2020

Out of sync in time and space

March 25th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

We’re out of sync in time and space – with ourselves, with each other. We’re all in a different place – physically and emotionally. We’re all on a different timescale in our heads and with this virus.

Sometimes we feel we have more in common with someone across the world than next door, and though in “normal times” that may also […]

2103, 2020

I see you now – can you see me?

March 21st, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

I woke this morning to various messages on the street WhatsApp:

Who are the older or vulnerable people on the street who may need us? Who is checking in with whom?
An NHS worker offering others help, while he himself is being asked to work more
A lawyer offering advice
Parents offering books and DVDs
Neighbours asking the NHS worker […]

2003, 2020

How can I help?

March 20th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

When a crisis hits, I want to help. I believe we all do. Our school parents’ association has set up a hub to support school families who may need help right now. Our parish council is setting up a community support network. NextDoor and our street’s awesome WhatsApp group are platforms for offering a hand. The council is organising neighbourhood support as well.

We […]

1903, 2020

Who do you want to be during this crisis?

March 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Last night, I asked a friend who is leading an organisation: what is the purpose of this organisation for the next 12 weeks? It’s usually crystal clear and would seem like an odd question – on a normal day. But now what, when the conditions that make that purpose possible have completely changed?

Purpose has likely changed or felt detached for […]

803, 2017

Thank you, fearless girl

March 8th, 2017|Mindset|2 Comments

While contemplating what I could write about on #InternationalWomensDay, and trying to push aside self-doubt as I came across so many lofty, well-researched and socially-impactful articles, Fearless Girl and her standoff with the charging bull struck me.  
That girl exudes power and confidence. She’s standing up to challenges. She’s not worried about others’ opinion about what she thinks. That girl is […]

503, 2017

Unapologetically appreciative

March 5th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

This morning I came across this mum’s relatable experiment with saying “thank you” instead of “sorry”.  It made me really think about what happens when I say “sorry” vs. “thank you”.
My body
What happens to your body when you say “sorry?” Try it out and just notice, without judgement.
For me, if I’m saying “thank you”, I automatically smile. To get […]

2002, 2017

Already a good day

February 20th, 2017|Consciousness, Mindset|0 Comments

When I pick the boys up from school I try to ask them different questions besides, “how was your day?”. This afternoon it was, “Tell me about 3 great things that happened at school today.”
Before my older one had a chance to take a breath, my 6-year-old jumped in to tell me 3 different things his teacher told him he […]

2701, 2017

My 2016 surprise

January 27th, 2017|Musings, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Since a week before 2016 ended, I’ve been looking for things to be grateful for about the past year. Ever since the stroke in 2011 and I realised I’m mortal, I’ve never wished time away, nor do I regret time I’ve spent. And practicing gratitude is good for the brain!

2016 challenged me though.

Between myriad personal, local and global intensely emotional […]

2004, 2016

Need a lift? Set a goal – however small – and go for it!

April 20th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

“It feels so good to achieve something!” I nearly shrieked at the trainer in the gym. I’ve had a goal for a week to increase weight I’m lifting in my favourite class… and tonight I did it! The numbers don’t matter – I’m sure if I compared them they’d seem paltry to some and eye-popping to others, so why bother […]