birth. motherhood. career. relationships.

It’s a time of overwhelming excitement and fear, love and confusion, inspiration and worry. It can also be a time of intense re-evaluation and really discovering who we are.

Most of all, it’s a time of incredible opportunity to re-write the rules of your life in a way that supports who you want to be.


2212, 2013

It is what you choose to make it

December 22nd, 2013|Musings|0 Comments

Last week, I reflected on the impact of hearing, “You don’t have to work”.

How do we handle this conversation? How can we understand and appreciate the intention behind the statement? How do we create an opportunity from this confusing moment?

While you may be reeling in a maelstrom of emotions after a perceived threat to our core values of Identity, Control, […]

1512, 2013

“You don’t have to work”: Opportunity or Threat?

December 15th, 2013|Career|0 Comments

“It’s ok, honey, you don’t have to work.”

As professional working mothers, this statement is often one we never expect to hear from our partners. Some of us yearn to hear it and would consider this statement a breath of fresh air. Yet for some of us, this statement brings on heavy black clouds.

What is intended as a loving and supportive […]